Top 5 Reasons You’ll Double Your Income by Working For a Failure

I’m two years removed from leaving an organization that I invested my first nine professional years with. In that nine years I was part of three failed companies. “Failed” meaning they no longer exist anymore. You cannot find them on Glassdoor. They are not interviewing. Those services are no more. RIP. If you haven’t had Read more about Top 5 Reasons You’ll Double Your Income by Working For a Failure[…]

Top 5 Attributes of a Rockstar Employee

  When it comes to evaluating members of a team, metrics, sales numbers, and data are certainly critical but it takes a lot more than that to be a real fucking rockstar employee! Some of the best salespeople can make your day a living nightmare that’s not worth the return. Here at BNB we not Read more about Top 5 Attributes of a Rockstar Employee[…]


What time is it? Transition time! Time to make that fucking move! Whether it’s to a new company, a transfer to a new department, or an internal promotion, all eyes will be on you to make the right impression. Here are the top 5 reasons you will bomb the interview, so pay close attention to Read more about 5 REASONS YOU BOMBED THE INTERVIEW[…]

What To Do When A Customer Wants To “Think About It”?!

There are many bad ways a sales pitch can end. An interruption during the pitch. A faulty slideshow you just can’t get working. A spurned lover kicking down the door and telling someone off while three security guards try and hold them back. (Trust me, it’s more common than you think.)   But there is Read more about What To Do When A Customer Wants To “Think About It”?![…]

Stop Saying Good. [What They Meant To Say Sales Quotes]

Let’s talk about the word “good”. Good close rate, good attitude. Good is for punks. If you want to win the game of sales, you gotta have a GREAT fucking attitude which leads to a  GREAT close rate. Like Tom Hopkins once said “Begin by always expecting great fucking things to happen.” Or at least Read more about Stop Saying Good. [What They Meant To Say Sales Quotes][…]